July 2,

Japanese cuisine



adapted from "Japanese Cuisine"
serve 2
100g somen (2 bunch)

for "tsuke dashi"
200ml "dashi"(stock) see
25ml "kaeshi"
15g dried shrimp

for garnish
1 ginger, shredded
2 "ooba; perilla", sliced
1 "mioga;Japanese ginger", sliced

for "kaeshi"
300ml soy sauce
100ml mirin
15g sugar
1. Bring the mirin to a boil over low heat in a pot.
Add the soy sauce and the sugar,Simmer for 5 minutes.
Place in fridge for a week and use for somen "tsukedashi".

for "tsukedashi"
1. Boil water and pour over the dried shrimp.
Drain them.
2. Place the "dashi", "kaeshi", and the dried shrimp in a pot
and bring a boil.Take the fat off ,and remove from the heat.
Let it cool.

for somen
1. Bring water to a boil and cook somen for a few minutes.
2. Place into cold water ,rinse and let cool.
3. Drain and serve with chilled "tsukedashi" and garnishes such as
shredded ginger and chopped lentils.

This noodles are normally served chilled.
They're called "neumen" if they're served hot.
Served with shredded ginger.
(Soba noodles are served with wasabi.)
Feel free to buy good "tsukadashi ( mentsuyu )" at supermarket.
